Academic-Courses & Assessment

Subjects Offered at Primary & Middle Level (V- VIII)
Type Subjects
Compulsory . English
. Hindi
. Sanskrit
. Mathematics
. Science
. Social Science
. Artificial Intelligence
Co- Scholastic Art Education – Music , Art
Physical and Health Education
Computer Hardware Lab
Courses Offered at Secondary Level (IX- X)
Type Subjects
Compulsory . English
. Hindi / Sanskrit
. Mathematics
. Science
. Social Science
. Artificial Intelligence
Co- Scholastic Art Education – Music / Painting
Physical and Health Education
Work Experience
Subjects Offered at Senior Secondary Level ( XI-XII)
CLASS XIA ( Science) XIB ( Science) XIC ( Commerce)
Major Subjects . English
. Physics
. Chemistry
. Math
. English
. Physics
. Chemistry
. IP
. English
. Business Studies
. Accountancy
. Economics
Optional Subjects CS
Applied Math
Elective Subjects 6th Physical Education
Artificial Intelligence
Physical Education
Artificial Intelligence
Physical Education
Co- Scholastic Work Experience
Physical & Health Education
General Studies
Work Experience
Physical & Health Education
General Studies
Work Experience
Physical & Health Education
General Studies

Assessment is an integral part of instruction that enhances, empowers student learning and provides direction to teaching. In our curriculum the main purpose of assessments is to test the core competencies rather than testing the knowledge acquired through rote method of learning. Besides periodic formative assessments, two full-fledged examinations termed as Mid Term and Annual Examinations are conducted in the months of September and March respectively. In addition to the above, a continuous assessment of the child is carried out throughout the academic session to evaluate his performance on a day-to-day basis in academic and extra-curricular domains. Regularity in attendance is also given prime importance.